Monday, July 1, 2024

PRIDE in the Globe and Mail


This past weekend, the Globe and Mail ran a full page 800-word excerpt of my essay from Pride as an op-ed in the Opinion section, which is national. (For the benefit of our American friends and family, the Globe is Canada's equivalent to the New York Times.) I first saw my byline in print at age 15, in 'Teen magazine, on a newsstand at the Winnipeg bus depot in November 1977. I can remember that moment like it was yesterday, and even after all these decades, and the advent of online media, there is still nothing like seeing it in a physical newspaper or magazine. Years ago, my dad and I had a very earnest and serious talk about whether or not gay marriage would ever be legal—he emphatically believed it would not, certainly not in either of our lifetimes. As an ex-journalist himself, I wish he had lived to see this morning's Globe, and his son's words in it about the necessity of Pride. I know he would've loved it, even if the drag queens might've freaked him out a bit. 🏳️‍🌈

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