Sunday, October 15, 2023
Someone else is cradling a dead child

Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Hate has no home here
I got up early this morning to join the "No Space For Hate" protest at Queen's Park, the counter-protest response to the one-day anti-trans gatherings that are occurring all over the country today. I have a lot of feelings that I'll probably need to sit with for awhile, but a few do come readily to mind.
Monday, September 18, 2023
"Faith and the Cancer Journey" speech, Rosedale United Church, Sunday September 17th, 2023
I gave this speech at Rosedale United Church yesterday. I had no idea that the church was recording it, but I was delighted to learn they had. This is the link to the Rosedale podcast website.
My speech begins at the 38:55 mark
Tuesday, August 22, 2023
This is what "sincerely held religious beliefs" cost Laura Ann Carleton
Some months back, I was taken to task for my satirical "Happy Sunday" posts on my Facebook page by someone who felt that I was mocking people's "sincerely held beliefs." I tried to explain that, as a gay man and a queer person, people's "sincerely held beliefs" did not hold the neutrality for me that they held for, say, a cisgender white straight woman like herself, who fit neatly into their prescribed paradigm.
Those "beliefs" have never fit neatly for LGBTQ people.
On August 18th, a 27-year old man named Travis Ikeguchi murdered Laura Ann Carleton, a mother of nine for daring to fly a Pride flag outside her own store. She wasn't herself LGBTQ, but she was a vocal, loving, and public ally—the kind of friend of our community that so many queer people know and love personally.
I have been saying this for years now, but this is the natural end-result of the sewage overflow of words like "groomer" and "pedo" and "transing" into the groundwater of public discourse, particularly when liberally disseminate and shared on sites like Facebook and Twitter.
This is what happens when reasonable people stroke their chins sagely and say, "Well, maybe they have a point" when vicious transphobia is lipsticked up as "feminism," or as concern about "women's bathroom safety" or the "danger" of gender affirming care for trans children and teenagers—which in reality always begins with love, and with listening to them, then providing them with a rigorously monitored, psychological/medical framework that will allow them to be themselves, and not to join the long line of dead teenagers who've decided that no life was better than living theirs.
This is what happens when gay men and lesbians who find transgender people personally unpalatable for their own reasons join in, and affirm the people who hate trans people, apparently completely unaware that the people who hate trans people hate them, too, and appear oblivious to the fact that those people will come for them in time as well.
This is what happens when people vote for politicians who censor reading material, or tell teachers that they can't identify themselves as queer exactly the way straight teachers identify themselves as husbands and wives, or mothers and fathers, in the presence of this classes, and who tacitly push the "LGBTQ = pedophile" narrative, knowing that it will likely go unchecked for the most part. This is what happens when those same politicians and preachers are allowed to demonize drag queens as "adult entertainers," or "predators," when they read children's books to kids in libraries.
This is what happens when white liberals who can't get their "BLACK TRANS LIVES MATTER!" banners and Pride "covers" up on Facebook fast enough in June go deadly quiet the rest of the year when a world-famous multimillionaire comedian makes horrific jokes about trans women's genitalia, or makes AIDS jokes, or, worse still, they talk about "free speech," or how "funny" the comedian is, or that "we all have to learn to laugh at ourselves" as a way to provide cover for themselves when they're asked why they, as supposed "allies" didn't speak up, and why queer people are always the very last minority in the queue to warrant their actual, tangible support when it counts.
Laura Ann Carleton, by all accounts a beloved member of her community, and an ally's ally, knew all of this, and she flew the Pride flag anyway, to show us that she loved us. And this man, whose Twitter timeline is full of Bible verses and right-wing Christian talking points, shot her in the head for it.
So the next time a queer person flinches at these things, do one of two things—either listen to them, and support them, or at least try to truly understand them, or stop calling yourself an "ally." Because queer people can't afford the luxury of any more performative social media "allies" who never seem to have our backs in an actual brawl.
To the lady who found my "Happy Sunday" posts objectionable—this is what I was talking about with regard to people's "sincerely held religious beliefs." I have no trouble at all believing that Travis Ikeguchi was sincere in his beliefs.
And to the religious people out there who have suddenly become horribly excited by their newfound platform in the discussion of "protecting children"—we see you. You're just the latest incarnation of the same vile homophobic libel we've seen since the 1950s, and before. We defeated you then, and we'll defeat you now. We see you.
And, more to your specific point, your God sees you, too. If you truly believe in the afterlife, and the eternity of souls, worry about yours.
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Friday night light
I was doing some late-night grocery shopping at the Metro on Gould Street, and I noticed a significant number of Muslim families in the store doing shopping that felt, somehow, festive and joyful. Then I remembered that tonight is the end of the holy month of Ramadan. As I waited for my Uber outside the store, the first few raindrops started to fall, and the air was full of that sweetness that sometimes comes before a spring night's rain. Hurrying past me on the sidewalk was a male couple, arm in arm, both wearing beautiful, woven ivory thobes. One looked straight ahead with look of apprehension on his face. His partner pulled him closer and caught my eye, smiling nervously as he walked by. When I returned the smile—a smile of recognition and fraternity, because these two were obviously more than friends—his own smile exploded into something bright and exultant. He raised his free arm slightly in a gesture of something like a wave, or half-salute. They continued on their way, walking more quickly now as the rain began to fall in earnest. All queer people have journeys to make, some easier than others, at different points in our lives, depending upon where that journey started, and what obstacles are placed in our way, often, even with the best of intentions, by families. I feel genuinely blessed to have witnessed a minuscule leg of their journey on this rainy night of the last day of Ramadan, and their joy is still imprinted on me as I type this with the rain pattering insistently on my roof.
Monday, April 10, 2023
"Putin—very smart"
"Putin—very smart. Now, he's had probably a bad year. Don't forget, that whole this is not...if he took over all of Ukraine."

Friday, March 17, 2023
The last lunch
Thursday, March 16, 2023
There are red-winged Blackbirds in the cemetery. I realize that sounds like the first line of a ghost story, but it actually means spring is right around the corner.
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
The Bible says I cannot support the gays
Sunday, March 5, 2023
Calling for genocide, but "not really"
In an odd way, I applaud Michael Knowles for placing his genocidal fantasies front and centre, in a way that even the Nazis didn't quite dare to do in the beginning.
Knowles' position is a lot more honest than that of the folks hiding behind specious, purposefully-vague "threats to women's spaces," or sports, or bathrooms, or classrooms, or scary stories about "experimental surgeries," or "radical hormone treatments," or "radical gender agendas," or "dangers to children."
Or, in the case of Ted Cruz, warnings about transgender witches piloting jetliners and not knowing how to keep them from crashing.
Last year, 6000 children in America died by gun-related violence. You can guess how many gun laws have been introduced to protect children from guns. On the other hand, two months into this year, 340 anti-LGBTQ+ bills have been introduced in statehouses across America.
Anti-trans idealogues have never cared about "protecting women," and they have used children as human shields in their crusades. This has ever been about anything other than the eradication of a vulnerable 2% of the population that they find aesthetically distasteful.
I'll say one thing for CPAC—even if it's the place where decency fears to tread, if you want an up-close, unvarnished, unapologetic, stripped-of-artifice look at what 21st century Republicans are really about, that's the place to see it.
Saturday, March 4, 2023
Answering the Knock at the Cabin
I wanted to sit with my feelings about M. Night Shyamalan's Knock at the Cabin (2023) for a bit before rendering some thoughts
After the March blizzard
Thursday, March 2, 2023
The good place
I'm saddened tonight by the news that Nordstrom is shuttering all its Canadian stores.
I didn't shop there—I was not their target market—but the restaurant at the top, Bar Verde, was one of my favourite spots in Toronto for seven years.
Centuries ago, there was a wonderfully unpretentious restaurant on Church St. called Café California. The owners were friends of mine, and it was where I could usually be found, either dining alone, working on my journal, or entertaining friends.
The staff likewise became friends over time, and the owners' daughter, Angie, became like a beloved niece. I watched her grow from a precocious little girl into a lovely, intelligent young woman. I wrote about her in Other Men's Sons in an essay called "Eloise on Church Street."
When the restaurant closed, I was bereft. The last place I ever expected to find its replacement was on the top floor of a American department store anchoring the Eaton Centre.
I must have been visiting Bar Verde since at least 2017, if not earlier. I can count the tenure of at least four managers, off the top of my head, and many more wait staff, all of whom I was on a mutual first-name basis with. A handful, I count today as actual friends.
Every December, I loved to watch the Christmas lights in the mall from the restaurant's vast floor-to-ceiling windows towering above it, and it was always my first sense of the Christmas season.
I have a particular memory of stopping by the restaurant for a later dinner on the evening of the launch of Best Canadian Essays 2016, which contained one of mine, and being brought a glass of champagne from the manager, to celebrate.
Every January and February, when the restaurant was quietest, I re-read Peter Straub's Ghost Story while the snow fell outside in sheets. In the summer, it was a cool refuge from the heat and humidity.
But Christmas always came again, and the coloured lights of the mall shimmering below my table had a bit of an Irving Berlin quality in the weeks before we left for Palm Springs, and our Christmas with the California family.
The staff always made space for me to read and edit manuscripts over carafes of Diet Coke and coffee. During COVID-19, I always felt safe dining there because of how luxuriously spaced the tables were. A dear friend of mine and I had dinner once a week, for years, and helped each other through some challenging times.
Sunday has been a throwaway day for me since my boarding school years, and the perfect rainy Sunday late-afternoon was spent at the farthest booth in the back, adjacent to the bar, with only my own company and a great book
When I got my cancer diagnosis last spring, my first get-well card was a massive one, signed by every member of the restaurant staff—with personal messages of love and support, not just generic signatures, and it was accompanied by two massive jars of their signature tomato basil soup, which they knew I loved.
That summer and fall, I stopped by after each doctor's appointment and procedure (the hospital was ten minutes away) and did so after every "chemo Monday," when Flo 2 was unhooked, and I most needed to lose myself in a crowd of people, and just feel normal. Even thinking of it now, I'm in awe of each small but resonant acts of kindness along that route. A middle booth eventually became colloquially know as "Michael's booth," and it always seemed to be free for me, no mater what the weather, internal or external.
I was dining there tonight with Jenny when the staff got an impersonal bulk email from head office, announcing the closure. Moments later, it hit the national news.
The emotional disconnect between the cold, antiseptic language of the press coverage and the shell-shocked faces of the about-to-be-unemployed staff was heartbreaking.
The CBC reported tonight that roughly 2,330 people will lose their jobs.
I guess that sounds like a small, anonymous number—unless of course, you can put names and faces you love to that number; and especially unless you vividly remember some of them embracing you and shedding tears upon hearing the news that you were cancer-free, and all the genuine tenderness, softness, and affection during the dark months that you weren't.
We all make the places of our hearts that are not our homes—restaurants, bars, bookshops, galleries, and more—which are occupied by people who are not family, or even, necessarily, "friends" in the accepted sense of the word, but who are both receptacles and sources of kindness and goodness—places that we leave happier than when we arrived, and where we always feel welcome: the archetypical "good place."
To people who don't know me well, the only thing more bewildering than the fact that this latest iteration of my "good place" is a restaurant at the top of a department store is how genuinely sad I am that it's coming to an end. And I'm bad at endings.
When you're open-hearted, and open to people, and open to their lives and stories, they trust you with those stories. And, as any writer can attest, the sharing of a life story, or of life stories, is one of the most bonding of human experiences, and the listener and the teller become part of each other in some small way forever.
That's colder consolation than I'd like tonight, but I'll still take it.
Friday, January 27, 2023
Goodbye, Kirk
We lost our friend Kirk Rogers last night.
Wednesday, January 25, 2023
Friday, January 13, 2023
Where history goes to die
On September 4th, 1967, with blistering dignity, 15-year old Elizabeth Eckford, the first Black student to integrate a Southern high school, overrode what must have been terror, braving a gauntlet of hate-filled, taunting, screaming white Arkansans as she attempted to enter Little Rock's Central High School. She was prevented from doing to by National Guard soldiers, acting on orders from Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus. As she fled, the mob threatened to lynch her. This photograph by Will Counts became one of the iconic images of the Civil Rights era. On January 10th, 2023, her very first day in office, Arkansas' newly-elected governor, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, introduced an Executive Order banning the teaching of Critical Race Theory. Ironically, the history behind this classic image of the desegregation battle could technically fall under her banned material guidelines—proving yet again that institutionalized bigotry in the hands of the powerful is where history goes to die.